Left Hand Asylum goes back to school

In the middle of the first of our 2 day rummage sale at my complex I was able to take a few hours reprieve and head off to one of the local schools to assist in a craft project with 22 kindergarteners. I volunteered to help my friend Lori, a member of a local craft group I am in and also mother to one of the kids (Douglas) in the class to make spiders. The energy level was high, the kids were so well behaved (even the biggest kid, me) and the crafting went by smoothly with all the kids having a blast, I even received high fives and hugs at the end….really made my day!. Ms. Palmer’s class, I can not wait for our follow up craft projects to come! Oh, and didn’t do too shabby on the first day of the rummage sale either, made enough to get my banners printed up, plus money to spare!

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